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Working as Independant Software Development Specialists


Basic Website Development $30/hr

This option is for clients who want a solid personal or business website. Using your design concept, we will build a fully functional website.

Basic Database Development $30/hr

This option is for clients who want a small database created for their business or personal use. Using your design concept, we will build a fully functional database.

Application Development $40/hr

This option is for clients who want to outsource the full application development process. An application can range from building a file utility to a screensaver to a game. Using your design concept, we will build a fully functional application.

Programming of Code Modules $40/hr

This option is for clients who simply want to outsource some work to help them keep on schedule. Using your design document, we will build as many functions or procedures as you need.

Technology Development $50/hr

This option is for clients who require custom software technology to be designed and implemented. We will design and implement new software technologies to power your applications.

Some projects may involve a combination of services. In such cases, you will be billed for the time spent in each defined service at the specified rate.


Source code is the base deliverable for Programming of Code Modules.

However, source code is not included as a base deliverable for the other services.

In those cases, source code is available for an additional 40% of the base deliverable expense. (ie. if a project costs $100, the source code is available for $40).

Please note, source code is only available for the client initiating the project.


Clients may optionally choose to engage in a profit sharing arrangement with us.

This is a tremendous opportunity for any company who plans on selling their product.

Profit sharing allows you to reduce the base expense of the project.

The following profit sharing options are available:

Our Share Your Benefit

10 % 15 % knocked off base cost.
20 % 30 % knocked off base cost.
30 % 50 % knocked off base cost.

In addition to our rates being highly competitive we are also some of the fastest developers you are likely to meet. Using our extensive experience, we can quickly turn concepts into finished products of very high quality.

Development times vary depending on the scope of the project. Most small focused projects are completed within 10 working hours. Very large projects may require well over 100 working hours.

If you have a project that does not clearly fall into any of the categories listed above please contact us and we will work with you to find a solution. We also have a range of package solutions, again, please contact us for more information.

Prices vary per consultant and country.  All fees are negociable.

16 January 2025